Need more productivity? Running can be a good option

Imagine the following situation: You know you will have a long and troubled day ahead. After waking up, you set aside 15 minutes to concentrate on everything ahead. In that time, would it be better to relax in a comfortable chair or go for a light jog?

Increased energy

Several studies on the influence of light exercise on the functioning of our brains have been conducted, mostly concluding that activities increase attention span and speed of thinking. Other research has also shown that aerobic exercise generally influences the mood and energy of those who have this habit, even when the practitioner does not expect it.

Researcher Fabien Legrand of Reims University Champagne-Ardenne and his team decided to test these findings and find out if the emotional effects of exercise could be responsible for the improvement in cognitive effects.

After the 101 participants answered two questionnaires - one about how they rated their energy on the day and one with a cognitive test - they were separated into two teams. One went for a very light run around the university campus, lasting 15 minutes, while the other was placed in a room where she was instructed to do group relaxation exercises.

Two minutes after the end of the run and the relaxation session, the participants underwent the same tests applied at the beginning of the process. Those who went for the race obtained better results in the cognitive test, which evaluated the speed of reasoning and attention. In addition, they indicated an increase in energy assessment levels, showing that exercise aided in mood and concentration.

Those who underwent the relaxation session considered that the activity decreased their energy. The researchers themselves cite the fact that the race was performed outdoors and relaxation in an enclosed room - which may have influenced the results in some way.

For Legrand and his team, "the findings add conclusions to recent suggestions that increased energy sensation may be related to aerobic exercise and some aspects of cognitive functioning." Research has shown that there are several cognitive benefits associated with sports; so if you want to be more efficient during the day, it's best to put laziness aside and sweat a little.


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