Recall 5 more moments that marked the history of humanity

The Curious Mega has published a list of five sad moments in the history of mankind. Now, check out other historical and important facts that continue the subject:

Black Plague

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This is the bubonic plague, a pandemic that took hold of Europe in the fourteenth century and was transmitted through rat fleas, which proliferated endlessly on that continent. This proliferation is attributed to the lack of cats.

Because of the belief in witches, many cats were burned on the grounds that they were the favorite pets of those involved in witchcraft and without whom it was impossible to do spells.

Black plague is a virtually eradicated disease, but today it is well known that the best treatment involves personal hygiene. Although it sounds like a simple disease, untreated plague guarantees certain death in 100% of cases. It is estimated that 100 million people died in four years of infestation.


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Intending to regain Christian access to Jerusalem, many believers went to battle awaiting spiritual recognition and rewards from the Church. It was the Holy War, which lasted three centuries, accumulated deaths and began the eternal religious confrontation between West and East.

Khmer Rouge Regime

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Khmer Rouge was a communist group that, from 1975 to 1979, dominated Comboja, causing total political, economic and demographic destruction. The group took advantage of the chaos following the Vietnam War to overthrow the republic and establish what the organization's leader, Saloth Sar, called agrarian socialism.

After the regime was established, all Cambodians worked as slaves, suffering torture to death. All the books found around the country were burned, as well as the money. Banks and hospitals were overthrown and all religions banned. The horrors of this regime are eternally distressing.

Fanatic terrorism

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This item does not need much description as it is among the worst events for obvious reasons: many people have died and many places have been destroyed. Major terrorist acts involve bombings, shootings and kidnappings by people around the world, usually members of some terrorist organization, motivated by religious or political ideals, mostly.

Forced extinction of species

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Technological advancement is often seen as a villain, especially if all its means of influence are analyzed. Many species are now extinct, and this is due to very serious environmental issues such as pollution, deforestation and global warming. Added to these factors, there is also the black market of animals, which operates in a frightening way around the world.

In some places in China, tiger penises are considered aphrodisiac - so many of these animals are killed and their private parts have been sold illegally. In Africa, the western black rhino was officially declared extinct in 2011 as a result of sport hunting for this type of animal. Other types of hunting in Africa include the "sporting" capture of elephants, lions, leopards and buffalo.