Boston Dynamics Robot Can Run (Maybe More Than You)

Boston Dynamics and its robots are always shocking: Now, in a new video posted on YouTube, the robot Atlas appears running in an open field and dodging some obstacles.

From the video, you can see that Boston Dynamics robots are "learning" to move and navigate autonomously. A second video, which you will also find further down, shows more details about this.

First, look at Atlas, which is probably already running faster than you.

Below is SpotMini, which "autonomously navigates a specific route (...). Prior to testing, the robot is manually driven through space so that it can construct a space map using visual data from front-mounted cameras. on the back and sides of the robot. During unattended execution, SpotMini uses camera data to locate on the map and detect and avoid obstacles. When the operator presses "GO" at the beginning of the video, the robot is left alone. Total walking time for this route is just over 6 minutes. "The visible QR codes in the video are used to measure performance, not for navigation."


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Boston Dynamics Robot Already Can Run (Maybe More Than You) Via TecMundo