50kg and 200 year old salamander is found in China [video]

The salamanders are part of the tails, which have over 500 different species. Most, however, are very small specimens. But last week, some researchers found the copy of the video above, which is over 50 kg and 1.5 meters long!

The "bug" was found in a cave in Chongqing, China, being the largest sight in the country in the last century. It is a giant salamander, which can actually reach almost 2 meters in length, but rarely does it happen. Researchers believe that isolation favored the above amphibian. They think she is over 200 years old and that's why she has come to that size.

To make matters worse, giant salamander meat is considered a delicacy in China, which causes many hunters to practice illegal capture of the species. In addition to meat, it is attributed healing properties to the animal's skin, which could improve the skin of another animal, the human.

Prehistoric cutie

Giant salamanders have been on Earth for over 170 million years, having "lived" with the dinosaurs! That alone would justify this recent discovery. In China, they are called “wa wa yu” - something like “baby fish” as they make noises similar to a newborn's crying.

Although it has been in the wild for over 200 years, it is very unlikely that the specimen will ever live loose around. She is currently in a swimming pool in a research center, where she will pass some more scientific tests. After that, it should be taken to some place of preservation.


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