Sun and magnifying glasses: an incendiary sum [video]

Magnifying lenses can cause sunlight to turn into something dangerous and incendiary. With small magnifying glasses it is possible to make leaves and other light materials burn quickly. And if we increase the size of the magnifying glass, can the "destructive power" of the sun's rays also be increased? You were right who said this is a reality.

To show this more clearly, Grant Thompson decided to create a giant magnifying glass to set fire to everything he could. He used the screen of an old television - glass and about 50 inches - to create the lens. For the support, a structure of its own had to be assembled, ensuring mobility to center the sun's rays as accurately as possible.

As you can see in the video posted in this news, it is possible to burn various objects with giant magnifying lenses. Due to the high power of the system, all items that are in the exact point of action of the “deadly magnifying glass” are burned in a few moments. Be careful to stay away from the lens' range, right?