New clues have emerged about the possible whereabouts of the legendary Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant - besides being one of the central elements of one of the Indiana Jones films - is one of the artifacts that, along with the Holy Grail, are among the most legendary in the world of archeology. According to the Holy Scriptures, the relic would be a gold-leafed wooden chest used to hold a variety of divine objects, including the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments, a set of laws that would have been transmitted directly from God to Moses.

Saint Mary of Zion Church

Saint Mary of Zion Church (Wikimedia Commons / Adam Cohn)

Rumors circulate that the Ark of the Covenant would be stored in the Holy Mary of Zion Church in Ethiopia, a place constantly guarded by guardians and where no one is allowed to enter. For a team of investigators has announced that they have found clues about the relic's possible whereabouts - and there is a possibility that the talk about the Ethiopian temple is not just a rumor, no!

It will be?

According to the scientists - from a Colorado institute called Bible Archeology, Search & Exploration (BASE), dedicated to finding archaeological evidence to validate information in the Bible - the team found evidence that the ark had remained stored. on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem until the early 8th century BC

Ark of Alence

(Wikimedia Commons / Benjamin West)

Then, during the reign of Manasseh of Judah, the relic would have been transported by the Nile to the Elephantine island in Egypt, where, according to investigators, there are the ruins of an ancient temple built in 6540 BC whose dimensions would coincide with those of the Temple. of Solomon in Jerusalem. Because it is a grandiose site, researchers believe this structure was built to house the Ark of the Covenant - so in 410 BC, when this building was destroyed, the relic had to be taken elsewhere: to Ethiopia.

Sounds like a movie-worthy saga, don't you agree? But the "drip drip" of the ark would not have ended there! After leaving Egypt, the relic was reportedly stopped at Tana Qirqos, a sacred island occupied exclusively by monks of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church on Lake Tana, the largest in Ethiopia. Eventually, the artifact was reportedly taken to Aksum, in the north of the country, where the Holy Mary of Zion Church was built.


Very well! BASE personnel said they had gone to Ethiopia and talked to the ark keeper - a guy who said he was the only one allowed to set eyes on the relic. This guy would have further told that both he and the locals were ready to prevent anyone from approaching the object and that they would be willing to protect the treasure with their own lives.

Lake Tana

Lake Tana (Wikimedia Commons / NASA)

The investigators also reportedly spoke with a 105-year-old monk who would have had the opportunity to see the ark once during the transition period between the death of a guardian and the appointment of a new one, and he described the relic as being a gold box covered with a lid containing two angel wings. What the old man says he saw coincides with the biblical accounts of the Ark of the Covenant, but is it really the ark?

Ark of the Covenant

Relief showing the Ark of the Covenant (Wikimedia Commons / Vassil)

Obviously, it is impossible to say! This is because, besides the researchers not being allowed to see the relic - nor will they, since it is strictly forbidden to enter the sanctuary - even if they had, it would be difficult to prove with absolute certainty that the chest is the legendary sacred object. It may be a replica, which would make it a supervaluable and incredibly rare piece ( and one evidence supporting this possibility is that neither the guardians nor the old monk melted when looking at the supposed divine box, right? ).

Indiana Jones Scene



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