Surreal: Boy humiliates in Paint and uses the program to illustrate his book

Those over 25 must almost certainly have done the same ritual when they first bought or bought the computer: sit down, unpack, install, turn on, access PaintBrush - now Microsoft Paint - and type their name. Some may have ventured to draw clouds or a little house, but most did not go far.

Patrick Hines, however, extrapolated: he liked Paint so much that he specialized in the program. He is a star at the tool and used it to illustrate his book Camp Redblood and the Essential Revenge. “I'm terrible at Photoshop, so I worked for 10 years on Paint, ” says the guy.

According to Hines, it took long nights to master every possible technique for creating spectacular designs. In his profile on Deviantart, he shows some steps of his creations. His book, which can be purchased from Amazon, tells the story of a teenage camp during the 1980s that is surrounded by ghosts and monsters.

Now, "monster" is the author himself. Check out what he can do using just Paint:

1. The cover of the book

2. The "Peaceful" Camp

3. Gym

4. The rebel teenagers

5. The dangers appear

6. Pay attention to the details.

7. The gradient impresses

8. Did it look good? No. It was great!

9. Awesome


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