Worker finds amazing way to entertain children in hospital

Isn't it really admirable when someone turns trauma into something positive? It was this attitude that transformed Jason Haney's life.

When his wife became pregnant, the family could not imagine what lay ahead: while in the womb, the couple's little daughter suffered a stroke. At age 3, doctors diagnosed the damage and told the family that the girl would have a learning disability.

Having been in hospitals for a long time, Jason knew how difficult it was to feel excited or to have some positive thoughts when he was hospitalized. So when he was hired to work on the construction of Memorial Children's Hospital in Indiana, he felt he could do something different.

Jason Haney

First, he set up a snowman and dressed him in protective gear worn by the construction workers. The action caught the curious eyes of the children in the hospital. When the ice began to melt, he changed his tactic: arranged some inflatable dolls of the SpongeBob character and decorated the place.

But the big balcony came from a colleague: an electrician said it would be funny if they put Wally (Where's Wally?) Hidden in the room. Once home, Jason began work on his new project, building the character with plywood.

Interned children seek Wally in building

When the work was done, Jason put Wally in place and soon the children ran to the windows to find out where he was. The game grew so big that it won a Facebook group, where it gives some clues as to where the little ones can find Wally.

But the surprises don't end there: a team of Minions will soon be ready to further entertain patients!

Minions will be new

PS: To Jason's happiness and surprise, your daughter is doing very well and has just earned her high school diploma with honors!