'All that is in excess…' Man suffers from having the world's largest penis [video]

If we were to calculate in the world, how many men are debating something about the size of their or any other penis at this time, it would be impossible to specify, right? But what if from these discussions we could estimate how many would be complaining about owning a giant penis, how much would you say? Not one? Well, the truth is that we could hardly risk anything different, since almost always complaints about the limb are of dissatisfaction with oversize and the dream of having a bigger penis. But what is a dream for some, believe me, is Roberto Esquivel Cabrera's nightmare.

Cabrera is 52 years old, Mexican, and has the largest penis in the world, 48.2 centimeters long. According to the top-of-page video report, its glans have a circumference of 25 centimeters. But it is wrong to think that he is happy about it. In fact, his surreal character so far has brought him more trouble than the long-awaited perks a man would like to have. According to information from the Latin Times website, four years ago, the man sought help from the media and health institutions for help or a resolution to his "big" problem.

The gifted Mexican is known as “El Centauro, ” in reference to the Greek mythology character who is half man, half horse (suggestive, don't you think?). He points out that he has great difficulties with his large limb. “See, he goes to my knees. I can't do anything, I can't work. I am a disabled person and I want the authorities to officially recognize me as one and give me the necessary support. I also want to go to Guinness so I can get my reward, ”he explains.

Roberto Esquivel Cabrera currently lives in a room provided by his brothers and survives by picking up trash and donations. His life has been like this since 2011, when he was deported back to Mexico. For this reason, the man craves the record book prize and also the possibility of making money in the porn industry.

The Mexican has already performed several tests and the doctor responsible for the case confirmed the authenticity of the Cabrera member. According to the doctor, doctors ruled out the possibility of being a prosthesis after analyzing a 3D tomography. However, they identified that of Cabrera's long limb, only 16 cm is of her body. The rest is excess skin that leaves you over 48 cm of “pure respect”. To be 100% sure what the problem is, only with a urologist's analysis and other tests.

Anyway, while Esquivel is fighting for his rights, the Mexican periodical Vanguardia will give you the possibility to share your story with the world. On September 20, the online version of his book titled "The Nasty Pudor" will be published.

Esquivel's story goes beyond its disproportionate mast, and Mexico's news vehicle, Vanguardia, is letting its story win the world through its online publication, which will launch on September 20th.

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