Making a Tip: Pick the best comment from May on the Mega site

The Curious Mega would have no reason to exist if it weren't for the readers who are part of our story! And as a way of saying thank you, we are monthly selecting the coolest comments that appear here on the site and creating a poll to award the winner with a Tip - in March it was Daniel and in April it was the kabal.

What? Don't know what Tips are? So run there on our YouTube channel and meet the stars of our animations! They became fluffy plush, and the next reader to take one of them home is up to you. Who will be?

1. A century ago, Japan was already quite amazing, except for Thiago CorrĂȘa, who prefers something more modern


2. Puns are what we like best, like this one from Gabriel Loyal about the dunes making sounds


3. Australia and Acre always yield good things, even if some believe they don't exist - especially when they can make curious relationships, as Luiz did.


4. Sad news, such as the guy who died trying to take a bear selfie, also attracts readers like Michelle Fan who bring up very pertinent questions.


5. John Doe spared no one in May: he made puns on everything and everyone, even the lame man who died in Pompeii


6. In the article about the Church of the Chicken, Paulo2000 made the most accurate comment possible


7. Paulo2000 in double dose: this time giving voice to non-dogs


8. Leandro Bob noticed that some Russian weirdness is really historical


9. Carlos Alberto May trophy went to Vedi Taso about the news of doctors creating an ear


10. Kelton Daineses solved the Earth-shaped bullshit in the space vehicle launch story


11. The comments section is also for outbursts like Petter's and his lack of money


12. Raizen Fox made the best pun (several!) Involving octopuses in the story about them coming from space.


13. John Doe also appeared twice in the best of the month explaining why the Leaning Tower of Pisa never fell.


14. Zoiuduu reminded us of how amazing Australia is, even with so many things that can scare us


15. To close, he again: John Doe can order music at the Fantastic Celebrate the Month of Fun Comments of the Month with this about the Jesus Statue with Internet Antennas


Now it's up to you! Which one is the best?


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