Vincent: The AI ​​That Promises to Turn Any Scribble into Van Gogh's Works

We don't know yet if it will ever be possible to make the machines become true conquering warriors like Napoleon or Genghis Khan - and we hope not. But in the art world, artificial intelligence is beginning to show that it has top-notch talent.

A great example of this is the new AI software produced by researchers at Cambridge Consultants (UK). The project is called "Vincent" and was designed to make simple designs turn into high-end works - with a lot of influence from Van Gogh, Cezanne or Picasso.

According to the creators, Vincent can be taught in various ways. Thus, from simple drafts he can fill in with colors, contrasts and textures. Monty Barlow (project leader) says: "Unlike other AI methods, which use only math to generate artistic approaches, Vincent is able to receive human instruction and produce finalized and relevant material."

For creations, users must use a Stylus pen directly over the touchscreen of the computer on which it is installed. Therefore, it recognizes all commands and starts calculations for content generation.

Although Vincent's first demonstrations are in the art field, Cambridge Consultants believes that in the future he will be able to take this AI imaging to other markets - including object and person recognition systems in autonomous cars and security cameras. Will we see Vincent in the market soon?

Vincent: The AI ​​That Promises to Turn Any Scribble into Van Gogh's Works via TecMundo