Do you know what those white spots that appear on nails are?

Do you know those little white marks that occasionally appear on our nails? Have you ever noticed any of them and got all worried that it might be ringworm or a sign of a mysterious health problem?

These spots are super common and, for the most part, do not represent anything serious. However, on occasion they may indicate the presence of some more serious illness. So how about finding out what are the most common reasons for your first appearance - before checking out the most worrying reasons?


According to Stacy Conradt of the Mental_Floss portal, the white spots that appear on the nails are called "leukonychia" and are the result of impacts and trauma in the region. Interestingly enough, the blow need not be too strong for them to strike - such as closing a door on your fingers. Sometimes a light tapping is enough, and even constantly drumming or biting your nails can lead to their appearance.

Almost always the spots appear due to minor trauma and impacts and do not represent anything serious. But it's good to be aware!

According to Stacy, white marks usually form at the base of the nail, where it is hidden under the skin of the finger, and make their appearance as the nail grows. This means that almost always, when we realize its existence, we no longer remember why it arose - unless it is a very, very painful clubbing, as it was the time I closed my finger on the door. A friend's car and he drove off before I could break free. It hurt!

However, although it is much more unusual, nail stains can also arise from health problems, so be aware of the shape and extent of the marks. If they form wider bands, their presence may indicate contamination by arsenic or lead. Look:

Did you notice the wider bands?

In addition, if the entire nail becomes whitish, this may indicate the presence of diabetes, heart problems or kidney failure, and in rarer cases, nail stains and irregularities may be associated with zinc deficiency, sickle cell anemia, malaria or Hodgkin's lymphoma. So if the spots look too weird to you, see a doctor.