Eating bone-in chicken wings makes children more aggressive, study says

Scientific research has indicated that children who eat chicken wings still with bone tend to be more aggressive than those who eat the pre-cut bird. The study was conducted at Cornell University in the United States, involving 12 children aged 6 to 10 years.

According to scientists, biting the food would make the little ones twice as disobedient and make them more restless. "It may be a good idea not to serve chicken wings just before bedtime, " advised the researchers, who still pointed to the green corn on the cob and the apple as bad behavior villains.

As expected for something so controversial, not all professionals agree with the study's conclusion. Clinical psychologist Dr Brian Russell, for example, told Fox News that the research has no credibility. "People have been eating chicken wings and thighs for millennia and I don't think it has made us more aggressive than anything else would, " he said.

Finally, Russell argued that just as “eating bone-in chicken wings makes kids twice as disobedient, ” playing the lottery twice makes you twice as likely to win - and you won't be rewarded.

Via In Summary