Face washed! Check out 15 more celebrity images without makeup

You have already checked here at Mega Curioso the photos of some celebrities with their faces washed, showing their natural beauty and without retouching. Now, we have selected 15 more images of these beauties that we are used to seeing a lot of makeup and wonderful in the most diverse events, magazine covers and in your work.

They are international actresses, singers and models who often rely on the power of makeup (and often Photoshop) to enhance their features and details that have become well known in the entertainment world.

However, let's give them a discount. After all, all women deserve to have the beauty celebrated with or without makeup, and each has its own charm without the need for cosmetic devices. In addition, many remain beautiful and even have days when makeup is the last of our concerns. Check it out below:

1 - Taylor Swift

2 - Kate Moss

3 - Lord (with pimple cream on his face)

4 - Anne Hathaway

5 - Gwyneth Paltrow

6 - Kate Hudson

7 - Lyndsay Lohan

8 - Drew Barrymore

9 - Courtney Cox

10 - Madonna

11 - Sofia Vergara

12 - Jennifer Lopez

13 - Cameron Diaz

14 - Kristen Stewart

15 - Alicia Silverstone