Do you know the origin of Children's Day?

Children's day has arrived, almost everyone has already changed their Facebook profile photos and parents have already bought their children's gifts. However, do you really know why we celebrate Children's Day? Clearly, there are the typical economic reasons, but they only gained strength after the 1960s - and Children's Day was originally instituted in Brazil in 1924. But why October 12th?

Coincidentally, October 12 is the day Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas, informally baptizing them as "child continents" as they were later discovered. With this in mind, Congressman Galdino do Valle Filhou created Children's Day during this period in Tupiniquin lands. In other countries, the little ones celebrate on different dates - in India it is in November, in Portugal it is in June and in Japan it is in May.

Economic and social purposes

The boom around Children's Day in Brazil began in 1960, when Estrela made a promotion in conjunction with Johnson & Johnson to launch a doll called "Robust Baby." The sales success was so great that the following year other companies mobilized on the same date with promotions of children's articles. And the date that until then was somewhat unnoticed by the children themselves has turned into a much desired and expected day.

Globally speaking, it is more common for countries to celebrate Children's Day on November 20 - the official date stipulated by the United Nations. According to the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, all children, regardless of race, color, creed, religion and gender, are entitled to receive love, care, education and food. This date, according to the UN, is a reminder in the fight against the most diverse types of child exploitation that exist around the world.

* Posted on 11/10/2013