13 embarrassments that everyone suffers in the doctor's office

Keeping health issues current is critical, but sometimes it's also a little embarrassing. In the lab doing or searching for exams, in the waiting room, in the doctor's office: in all these places you can die of embarrassment somehow - have some of the following fun:

1 - When the person at the reception asks what is the reason for the consultation

Vomiting, diarrhea, blue poop, diphtheria, syphilis and genital herpes. And cough.

2 - When to take off your clothes

Regardless of the reason, it is embarrassing, but even worse if you were unprepared, as in an accident, and your underwear is punctured.

3 - When the exam is gynecological

The problem is not even the exam itself - a lie, it is - but some of the phrases we hear: "Have you had sex?", "How is your libido?" ; “Just lie there with your legs open and the doctor is enough” etc.

4 - When boys need to take touch

Few things make men bearded as scared as the index finger of a urologist.

5 - When the doctor asks how your poop is

All right, doctor, you sent my regards.

6 - When you have surgery and wake up completely disturbed

Anesthesia is really a strong drug that can make you cause in the post-surgical recovery room.

7 - When the doctor has a funny name

And her eyes do not take off from that embroidery on his coat.

8 - When your mother or father - or both! - they decide to accompany you

If the consultation is gynecological, even worse.

9 - When you end up hugging or kissing the doctor unintentionally

It happened to me yesterday: it was the first time in that office; I didn't know the doctor, therefore. On the way out, he went to open the door and I got it all wrong, made the intimate and touched a kiss on his cheek. I noticed the gaffe on the spot and started laughing, because there is always a way to make things worse.

10 - When, after the inappropriate kiss, you still have to wait

I kissed the doctor's face, thought, "Okay, I'll laugh and die next, " but he told me to wait at the desk again, for his assistant to bring me some exam guides. And there I stood, pretending I was typing something on my cell phone so people wouldn't think I was crazy, laughing on my own.

11 - When you take feces and need to deliver the pot

Everyone poops and that's normal, but it's still disturbing to imagine that you're handing that lab person a fecal cake pot.

When the doctor asks very personal things and you are not sure what to say

At this time everyone drinks socially only.

13 - When the doctor is an extremely beautiful person

And you there, being forced to say that you have a boil in your groin.

What was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you in a doctor's office? Comment on the Mega Curious Forum