7 Scientific Evidence That Elephants Are Extremely Intelligent

1. Elephants identify languages ​​and genres

According to researchers at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom, elephants can distinguish between different human languages ​​and correctly separate us by gender and age. Also, if a voice fits into what he knows as a threat, taking into account several factors, he takes a more defensive position.

A test to prove this was done in Kenya with representatives of the Maasai and Kamba ethnic groups. The former have a history of hunting elephants, who were startled to hear the recording of a man in his native language. Already when the Kamba spoke the same phrase, the elephants showed no reaction - this group does not chase the animals.

Already the very same recording by women or children of either ethnic group had no reaction from the elephants, proving that they can separate humans by gender and knowing who are the most threatening - in this research, the Massai men.

In Kenya, the relationship between the elephants and the men of the Maasai tribe is not among the best.

2. Elephants Create Tools

In 2010, an elephant showed that hunger can stir any “little human” - even the most animal-like. The Washington Zoo has put some fruit out of reach of Kandula, a 7-year-old elephant, to see what his reaction would be. After a few days, he realized that he could drag a plastic cube as a ladder to get to the food.

The first attempt was unsuccessful, but Kandula learned the technique and searched for more crates in another corner of his cage and stacked them for higher support and finally to reach the fruits. This shows above normal intelligence, just like when they use sticks to scratch in places they can't reach.

3. Elephants understand body language

Two identical containers were placed in an elephant cage: one with food and one empty. When they needed to approach on their own, the choice was random. However, when a human pointed to which pot was in the food, the hit level was 68% - that's only 5% lower than the same result obtained by 1-year-old human babies.

They understand some human gestures

4. Elephants have empathy

While many human beings need to learn the reality of this concept in order to have an increasingly humane society, elephants have long mastered the art of empathy. When a specimen is sad or distressed, another elephant approaches and tries to comfort it, either by sounds or caresses. Such a level of empathy is only seen in the wild in some monkey species.

5. Elephants cry when some similar dies

The title of the topic is a bit forced, but the mourning behavior of elephants is really puzzling scientists. Often these animals caress the dead body of a deceased relative and stay by their side for hours. Some even try to bury the bodies of their comrades! The same reaction does not happen when elephants encounter some other dead animal.

6. Elephants can mimic human voices

In 2012, elephant Koshik surprised South Korean researchers: he was able to say 5 words in Korean even though he might not understand their meanings. According to the scientists, he must have tried to reproduce what he was hearing - something considered phenomenal, since the speech structures of humans and elephants are completely different.

7. Elephants really have a good memory

You may have heard this saying, and it really is true. In the desert, elephants remember routes to find water wells even after walking a long time or a long distance. They also form friendships and can recognize former mates even after a long time apart. In the video below, for example, elephants Shirley and Jenny are reunited after 20 years (!!!) and recognition is immediate.