Believe if you want! 5 crazy inventions that only “exist” in North Korea

1 - Revolutionary “Refri”

While in the rest of the world soft drinks are in the firing line of doctors and nutritionists, in North Korea scientists say they have created a variety - strawberry, pear and apple flavored - that stimulates the development of new brain cells and is capable of stimulate intelligence and improve memory. As if it were little, the elixir would still help prevent heart problems and the appearance of wrinkles and pimples on the skin.

2 - Alcoholic non-hangover drink

Imagine a drink with an alcohol content between 30% and 40% that you can drink without fear of dying of hangover the next day. For it is said that in North Korea this ethyl miracle exists, and more: it would still be medicinal! According to the state news daily Pyongyang Times, the big secret of the drink is that it would be made from ginseng and gluten-free rice.

3 - Multipurpose liver medicine

It may be that the prodigious drink we described above does not cause a hangover, but what about the liver? According to the North Koreans, very well, thank you! This is because they would have invented a drug made from a compound in animal blood called protoporphyrin that would function as a multipurpose drug for various liver ailments, including hepatitis and cirrhosis.

4 - Anti-Cigarette Pills

Science has been trying for decades to find effective ways to help smokers quit. Too bad the rest of the world does not have much contact with North Korean researchers, because in 2011 they announced that they had developed miraculous anti-cancer pills. Made from ginseng and medicinal herbs, as well as helping smokers quit their addiction, they would still rid their bodies of toxins and have anticancer action.

5 - Anti-Radish Camouflage

It's no secret that North Koreans like to overdo things a little - and even use and abuse Photoshop - when it comes to talking about their military power. For they say they invented a type of painting that could hide vehicles, ammunition, and even entire buildings from sneak radar. According to them, such paint could still be used to mimic the movement of war vehicles and disorient enemy forces.

Do you know other crazy things that North Koreans say they invented? Comment on the Mega Curious Forum