Strong-smelling foods diminish our desire to eat them

Strong-scented food can be a dietary aid (Image source: Reproduction / ThinkStock)

Dieting can become easier from now on. A recent study by the Netherlands Institute of Food and Nutrition indicates that people eat fewer foods that have a strong aroma.

According to the Flavor newspaper, to reach this result, ten participants underwent a test: they used creams, without the use of cutlery, which were injected directly into the mouth. With different flavors, pastes with stronger smells were less ingested.

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The scientific explanation for this may be in the subconscious. According to scientists, by sensing an intense smell, the brain can interpret that food is high in calories, leading to the immediate reflex of eating less.

Thus, researchers suggest that making a food with a strong aroma helps to decrease the amount that will be eaten, resulting in a great ally of any diet. This argument is strengthened by the fact that it is already scientific knowledge that smaller spoonfuls quickly lead to a feeling of satiety.