To the Rescue: Mommy Rabbit Beats Snake to Save Puppies [video]

The video above proves once again that there is nothing in the world that prevents a mother from protecting her offspring. In this case, an Indian family records from the window of the house the moment a mother rabbit, when returning to the place in the yard where her young are, encounters a large black snake threatening them.

Without thinking twice, the brave rodent jumps on the reptile and starts biting it, trying to create an opening for the bunnies to escape, but unfortunately it seems too late for two of them. The fearless mother then continues to furiously attack the predator, taking bites and dragging her claws on the snake's flanks.

Defeated, the winding creature attempts to flee to neighboring terrain over a small stone wall, but the rabbit is not yet done revenge for the dead chicks and is still attacking. At one point, it looks like the snake gets the better of it, apparently biting the rodent, who leaps away and vanishes, only to reappear moments later in the video with renewed fury and put the snake to run “with its tail between its legs. "

Via In Summary.