Learn 7 Ways to Avoid and Eliminate Bad Smells

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Especially for those who recently left their parents' home, some 'mysteries' of' home sweet home 'odors can raise many doubts for new homemakers in life. But even those who have been used to cleanliness and organization for several years can also encounter smells that are difficult to avoid or eliminate.

Want some examples? Strong smells that some pets can leave on sofas or rugs, as well as odors from trash cans, mold or even shoes. How to try to avoid or even eliminate these unpleasant smells once and for all?

The LifeHacker folks have put together some tips for dealing with them in simple ways and we'll show you below. Some suggestions are also to counteract body odors. Check it out below:

1 - Neutralize with white vinegar and teas

For many uses, you can forget about expensive cleaning products and focus on one cheap substance that might be in your kitchen cabinet: white vinegar. It can do wonders for both clothes and tile cleaning, and above all it is great as an odor exterminator.

To counteract any smells (like cigarette smoke) in any room of the house, just leave a bowl of vinegar in one corner for a few hours and you will notice that the odors will disappear quickly.

To counteract pet odors from rugs or even sofa fabric, the tip is to spray the white vinegar over the surfaces. In the case of the sofa, a cloth soaked with the substance may be even more effective. It is also important to leave these items well ventilated for the vinegar to dry.

In addition to vinegar, a good tip for neutralizing animal odors, especially what's in the cat litter box, is to mix some dry tea leaves in place. In addition to fighting the stench, tea can work with an antibacterial effect. Green tea and mint leaves are good options.

2 - New uses for cat litter

Did you know that special sanitary litter for cats where their needs are needed can also have many other uses? These products are made up of silica granules with treatments that are capable of absorbing moisture and neutralizing odors and, for these reasons, are also great for placement in other areas.

For example, you can put some sand in a gauze bag and leave it in your shoes to eliminate the stench and not mold. You can also use them in wardrobes, in the refrigerator to remove strong food odors or in the bottom of trash cans and even in baskets where mothers throw their babies' diapers.

However, it is important to change it weekly or when the sand gets wet, because then it loses its usefulness. However, remember to buy a separate litter bag for these uses and never use the one already in your cat's box!

3 - Take advantage of the newspaper

Have you noticed that when you use plastic pots to store something in the fridge, they tend to keep the odors of certain foods even after being washed several times? Yeah, these packages have this problem. So much so that the most recommended is to use the glass ones.

However, as it is not easy for anyone, and the plastic options are cheaper, we end up using more of this type. And if any you have smells that doesn't even come out of hot water, try this tip: crumple up a piece of newspaper and put it in the containers until your next use. Newspaper carbon can neutralize odor.

The newspaper can also be used to counteract unpleasant smells from the refrigerator, shoes and trash cans.

4 - New use for chalk

Did you know that chalk (the one used on a blackboard) can absorb moisture? This is why it is yet another simple and inexpensive way to reduce odors. You can hang tied-up pieces of chalk in closets and wardrobes, remembering to leave them in a place where they won't touch your clothes.

With this use, chalk is able to absorb moisture and its characteristic smell, thus eliminating mold that can cause clothing and shoes.

5 - Remove garlic and onion smells from stainless steel hands

This is even simpler and you have probably seen someone do it. If you love to venture into the kitchen but sometimes the use of garlic and onions leaves that strong smell in your hand, a quick solution is to rub a knife, spoon or other stainless steel utensil in cold running water. The smell comes out quickly.

6 - For body odors, use baking soda

If you suffer from bad foot and underarm odors, a good tip is to use baking soda in these areas. It is able to neutralize the bad smell, being a natural deodorant, because it eliminates the bacteria that causes these unpleasant odors.

7 - Coffee Powder

Another good tip for removing odors from the refrigerator is to put a container with some used coffee powder inside it. But to make it more efficient and suitable for this use, spread the wet powder over a baking sheet and bake to dry. Then just put it in the container to go to the refrigerator. You can also use this (even wet) powder to remove garlic odors from your hands.