Breast self-examination campaign causes 517 accidents in Russia - understand

A campaign in favor of breast self-examination has caused accidents in Moscow, Russia. Just to give you an idea, since it was launched and the image was added to the sides of 30 vans, 517 accidents happened only on the first day of the image's release.

One of the drivers who eventually crashed his car, Ildar Yuriev, explained the accident in a statement published in Metro: “I was on my way to a business meeting when I saw this van with a huge picture of breasts on its side. Then I was hit by the back car, whose driver said he was distracted by the van. ”

The company that developed the ad, Sarafan Advertising, said it will compensate all people who suffered traffic accidents. According to a company spokesman, the idea was to try to spread the use of van sides as an alternative to advertising campaigns. That caught the eye, can not be denied.

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