Scientists discover frozen layer in Venus atmosphere

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Although the planet Venus is very similar to Earth when we consider its size and orbital distance from the Sun, its surface presents characteristics quite opposite to those of our planet, marking temperatures that reach 460 ° C. Warm...

However, according to ESA, one of its space probes has detected an icy layer in Venus' atmosphere, about 125 kilometers above the surface, near the line that divides the illuminated and unenlightened sides of the planet. According to the European Space Agency, in this region the temperature drops dramatically, hitting -175 ° C.

Party and dry ice?

Since Venus' atmosphere is rich in carbon dioxide, the temperature recorded by the probe is below the freezing point of CO2, and ESA scientists believe the likelihood of dry ice formation in this portion of the atmosphere - thus as it does on Mars.

Interestingly, the icy area is between two warmer atmospheric layers and two very different planetary surface temperature profiles, suggesting that very interesting events may occur in the Venus sky and no one has observed them. still. A Venusian party with a lot of dry ice, maybe?

Source: European Space Agency