After this tip, you will never use Band-Aid the same way again.

Suddenly you decide to prepare dinner, choose your favorite dish, go to the market, buy the ingredients, but just in time to cut the onion the accident happens and you're done: your finger is now bleeding, hurting and you begin to wonder if It would not have been better to have ordered a pizza.

Fortunately, you can solve this problem with a staple item that almost everyone has at home, and once you have washed the area and made sure that the cut has stopped, the only way is to resort to good old Band-Aid.

It turns out that depending on the cut region, the bandage ends up impairing the mobility of the fingers, and then you get irritated and, of course, at the risk of getting hurt again, right? Well ... Unless you follow the extremely simple steps in the following image - after that, smile: your problems are over.

Simpler than you thought

That's right: to keep the material from stopping your fingers from moving the right way, you only need to make a few small cuts on the band-aid adhesive.

It is worth remembering, of course, that this type of dressing is suitable for superficial cuts, which do not present a risk of infection and do not need stitches to close. If the cut is deeper or if the bleeding takes too long to stop, it is ideal to seek medical help.