Two new species of marsupials that fuck to death are discovered

Scientists announced last Monday (1) the discovery of two new species of marsupials in New Guinea, Australia. According to experts, small creatures derived from Dusky Antechinus have unhealthy sexual habits, as males often copulate to death in sessions that can last up to 14 hours.

Despite their killer sexual appetite, pets may be in danger of extinction because of climate change, as they would be losing their natural habitat at a very rapid rate. According to expert Andrew Baker, steps are being taken to put the new species on the list of animals protected by the government.

In addition to habitat loss, females usually have only one offspring, making it difficult to perpetuate the species. The death of males may guarantee a more stable supply of food, but the future of small marsupials is completely in the hands of a single mother who must face many dangers.

Originally, the Dusky Antechinus were found in southeastern Australia, but the nearly identical new species is found on the Tasman Peninsula, in a region with much more unstable forests that has been disappearing in recent years.

Via InSummary.