Famous video of kissing strangers now gets doggy version - check it out!

A few days ago Mega Curious published a video that showed people kissing complete strangers. The result was shared millions of times around the world, and after everyone questioned the work of filmmaker Tatia Pilieva, we confirmed what we already suspected: the video was a Wren advertising campaign in Los Angeles.

The fact is that campaign or not, the result was interesting and it didn't take long for more creatives to come up with similar ideas in other parts of the world. The video you will see below is a cuteness only. It shows puppies meeting and kissing for the first time.

Of course dogs have their very peculiar way of kissing and even end up taking their tongues and snouts to every possible corner. That's why the video got so much fun, besides, of course, extremely cute. Check out the canine version of one of the most shared videos of recent times and then tell us what you think of it: