Mamma mia: Video of mouse loading pie slice viralizes the web

If nature's Olympics existed, some animals would be strong athletes in weightlifting. The most famous competitor would be the ant, which can lift up to 50 times its weight, although some animals can lift up to a thousand times their own mass!

The mouse in the video above would probably be representing mammals, as he has been successful on the internet carrying a much larger piece of pizza than his own body. The blatant happened in the New York subway and was posted on YouTube this Monday (21). In just one day, the video has been viewed over 2.2 million times!

The little rodent would surely be tried by Rémy of "Ratatouille" for fetching food from the trash. However, we can always remember that saying: "Who has no dog hunting with cat." Or, in this case, with mouse. There is also the possibility that he is Master Splinter bringing food to the Ninja Turtles.

Mouse succeeds on YouTube carrying a bigger piece of pizza than him! Comment on the Mega Curious Forum

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Did you like the video? Are you also adept at that philosophy that pizza "is so good, even when it's bad, it's good"? What is your favorite flavor?