Eye of Africa: The Natural Phenomenon That Looks Like an Alien Attack

Imagine the scare: The first astronauts to leave planet Earth are happy with their feat, but when they look at the planet, they come across a mark that appears to be the result of an alien attack. The scene has a kind of hole with some impact waves on the side, as you can see in the image above.

Although somewhat bizarre, the "Eye of Africa" ​​- also known by its technical name, which is "Richat Structure" - is a rather natural phenomenon. This huge crater is located in the Sahara Desert and is the result of the impact of a large and ancient meteor that happened thousands of years ago.

The force of the crash was so great that it generated a structure 50 kilometers in diameter. Still, at first it should not be seen from space, but the erosive effect of desert winds eventually increased the shapes of the "Eye of Africa", allowing even Google Maps to catch it. Bizarre, isn't it?