Listening to classical music doesn't make you smarter, study points

Mozart does no miracles and makes no one smarter.
Source: Wikimedia Commons

You may have read in many places that listening to classical music calms and makes people smarter. This thesis emerged in the 1950s, when researcher Albert Tomatis succeeded in getting a group to increase their IQ by just eight by listening to classical music.

However, researcher Frances Rauscher, involved in a study from the 1990s that supposedly supported this premise, said in an interview that he never said that. According to him, there is no scientific basis for defining whether classical music makes anyone smarter or not.

Rauscher points out that there is no direct relationship between intelligence and listening, but with someone studying music or learning to play an instrument, factors that would increase the ability to concentrate and motor coordination.

Just as classical music makes no one smarter, listening to other music styles does not diminish a person's IQ at all, since there is no direct relationship between one thing and another. That is, if you listen to rock, MPB, backcountry or funk, you will not be smarter (or dumber) than anyone because of your favorite musical style.

Via Tecmundo