Controversy: Brazilian TV adult moments that many children watched

It is not today that many Brazilians consider that the programming shown on the open television channel is not very recommended for children. Even programs that run during "innocent" hours or are especially geared toward this audience may contain material that is inappropriate for a particular age. However, if you think this is too serious these days, chances are you didn't watch TV in the 80s and 90s.

As our partners from the You Didn't Know channel show in the video above, the Brazilian television programming during this period was quite appealing. In addition to abusing eroticism, the paintings also contained many bizarre situations. Doubt? So check out the video above and be amazed by some peculiar moments that a lot of kids probably watched too.

Then share with us: what do you think was the most bizarre moment on Brazilian television?

Check out some bizarre moments that have already passed on Brazilian TV. Comment on the Mega Curious Forum!