Who Invented Toothbrushes?

Today we have such basic and essential utensils that we don't even imagine what our lives would be like without them. These are simple things, such as combs, brushes, cutlery, accessories, among many other items. However, in the not-so-distant past, some of these pieces were uncommon and much missed by the population.

For example, the toothbrushes we know today were not created until 1939. However, other versions of current models had been in use for about 3, 000 years BC According to some historians, certain ancient civilizations used thin "chewing branches" after meals, rubbing the small woods slowly on the teeth to clean them.

The bristled toothbrushes, similar to those we have today, were created in China in 1498. The bristles were very hard, made of thick hair that was extracted from a type of Chinese pig and set in a small structure made up basically of bamboo. or bone.

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Boar bristles were used in many countries until 1938, when the popular nylon yarns were first introduced by DuPont. The first of these brushes was named "Doctor West's miraculous toothbrush." However, they only really became known after World War II, when many soldiers came into contact with different models and made oral hygiene a habit, spreading it around the world.

* Originally posted on 28/06/2013.


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