13 misstatements you still believe

1 - Chameleons do not change color to camouflage themselves, only. These animals may change their appearance depending on issues such as mood, temperature and sun exposure;

Everest is often referred to as the largest mountain in the world, but this is only true if we consider the structures above sea level - otherwise Mauna Kea would win by being the highest when measured from base to peak;

Contrary to popular belief, the Great Wall of China is not seen from such high altitudes - Apollo astronauts said the structure could not be seen from the moon;

4 - You may have heard that one year of a dog's life equals seven years of a person's life, right? In fact, this account depends on the size and breed of the dog, so it cannot be generalized;

5 - At school, we learn that the earth revolves around the sun, right? The complete explanation, however, is that technically our planet, the Sun, and all other planets are orbiting the center of mass of the Solar System;

6 - If you have heard someone say that different regions of your language feel different tastes, know that this is wrong and has been overwhelmed by various studies. In fact, the language as a whole is able to identify all tastes, even though specific parts are more sensitive to particular flavors;

7 - Many fathers and mothers believe that children become more agitated when they eat sugar, but there is no evidence between sweet food consumption and hyperactivity;

8. There are at least nine human senses, not five as we are used to thinking. Some scientists have even stated that humans have more than 21 senses!

9 - Fortune cookies were not invented by Chinese, but by Americans, you know?

Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that the Vikings wore horned helmets;

Everyone associates the forbidden fruit quoted in the Bible with an apple, right? The truth is that the apple itself was never mentioned in the texts on the subject;

There is no evidence that taking vitamin C helps cure colds and flu;

13 - Pink Floyd fans may not know, but there is no dark side of the moon. Since the satellite constantly rotates around its own axis there is not an area of ​​it that is permanently in the dark.