15 times when nature seemed digitally manipulated

Whether for creation or destruction, nature is even the most original author on record. We have already shown here that she is capable of altering the landscape in the most ruthless way, but as you will now see, she also has a whimsical side, whose masterpieces are so perfect that they even seem to have been made by human hands. Check out our selection:

1. The colorful mountains of Zhangye Danxia Geological Park in China

Zhangye Danxia

2. This triangular ice crystal, photographed in the US state of Alaska.


3. Icelandic sandy beaches of volcanic origin


4. The aerial registration of a frozen river in Russia


5. The cold morning of a freezing winter

frosty winter

6. A true procession of geese


7. The snow layer that has accumulated in waffle form


8. The crystal clear waters of this watercourse


9. These impressive ice formations off the coast of Finland


10. Intense cold materialized on a wire fence

wire fence

11. The exact moment when a plane crosses the sky with an eclipse in the background

eclipse in the background

12. The reflection of a squirrel that was clicked at the right time and place.

right place

13. The meeting between a wheat field and a lavender plantation in France


14. This open trail through a bamboo forest in Japan


15. This incredible view of Lake Leitisvatn in the Faroe Islands

Faroe Islands