Apartment is found closed 75 years ago

Image Source: Reproduction / Wherecoolthingshappen

It's hard to find people today who still hold untouched ancient treasures - most sell them to museums or private collections. However, that is exactly what happened a few years ago with a French family when they discovered an untouched apartment 75 years ago.

This was because the owner of the place moved to southern France even before World War II and never returned to the apartment. Decades later, this woman's family eventually found the property, and it had been locked and untouched since the time of the move.

As if the old furniture, dusty toys, and all the atmosphere that seems more of a time travel were no longer enough, the family also found paintings by painter Giovanni Boldini, valued at 2.1 million euros. Amazing story, isn't it?

Image Source: Reproduction / Wherecoolthingshappen

Image Source: Reproduction / Wherecoolthingshappen

Image Source: Reproduction / Wherecoolthingshappen

Image Source: Reproduction / Wherecoolthingshappen

Image Source: Reproduction / Wherecoolthingshappen