21 Amazing Memories For Those Who Lived Their Childhood In The 2000s

1. The daily dispute between the father who wanted to watch the newspaper and the daughter who could not miss a chapter of "Chiquititas".

2. When, playing the Million Show on board, you tried to imitate - unsuccessfully - Silvio Santos' epic staff: "Are you sure about that?".

3. The first DVD players arrived in Brazil in the early 2000s. Anyone who had no registration at the neighborhood rental store had to settle for the reruns of the Afternoon Session or wait for an unpublished movie to be screened on “Hot Screen”.

4. Woe to you, girl, who today hides from the society that has worn Sandy shoes with knee-high socks!

5. Every time I look at this outfit, the image of Jade (Giovana Antonelli) doing belly dancing in a fluttering green dress in “The Clone” comes to mind.

6. Guga's papete matched any garment. The hard part was convincing our parents of that.

7. It was at this time that you wanted the Harry Potter books to be required reading at school.

8. Item found in the bags and backpacks of young Brazilians for over a decade, we can not leave out of this list a declared enemy of our teachers: the cell phone!

9. It's from the year 2000 one of the biggest pivots of our sleepless nights.

10. Who didn't have a friend who collected EVERYTHING on the face of the earth from the Mexican soap opera “Rebelde”?

11. Or were you looking forward to the magazine of the week with Felipe Dylon's poster?

12. The lan house was the first place your parents would come to you if they didn't find you at home.

13. Remember when it took you a lifetime just to find the music you wanted to hear on your MP3?

14. Mornings of the early 2000s had Jaqueline Petkovic at the head of Bom Dia & Cia. Those who studied in the morning suffered. The 4-hour cartoon marathon included Woodpecker, Bigfoot, Fireball, Justice League, X-Men Evolution, Kennel Puppies, Hercules, Du Dudu & Edu, The Powerpuff Girls, Courage: The Cowardly Dog, among others.

15. But those who studied in the morning were not forgotten. In the late afternoon, programming was interrupted by Disney CRUJ co-religionists!

16. It was in this decade that you became addicted to reality shows like Big Brother Brazil, House of Artists, No Limit, Idols and Chains.

17. The chance for the Ragatanga spirit to hit you after you press play is very high!

18. “Ding, ding”: When a frog and sticky music wouldn't come out of your head.

19. Couldn't get a Hot Lava Fast Car commercial on TV that you already shouted, "Mom, buy?"

20. Your toy shelf was not complete without all the Teletubbies characters in it.

21. Now, anyone who didn't have the hacked Orkut profile, didn't discuss the relationship by testimony, didn't find out that the love of his life lived hundreds of miles away, didn't participate in the “I hate waking up early” community, forgive me for frankly, but not lived intensely this incredible decade.


Test your memory! Are there any other items that can't be left off this list? Tell us in the comments.

* Posted on 10/28/2015