5 Things That Can Make Your Metabolism Go Lazy

Recently we at Mega Curioso have shared some clever tips for speeding up metabolism - the body's mechanism that basically converts the food we eat into energy for our body.

However, although we have talked about things you can do to make your metabolism work faster, there are quite common actions that can result in the opposite effect, that is, to slow it down. For Dana Leigh Smith of Eat This Not Not! Brought together some of these attitudes in one interesting article - and our team has selected five of them for you to check. Look:

1 - Not eating enough

It may seem logical that to lose weight we should eat less. However, this “eating less” does not mean that we should cut meals or follow a radical, low-calorie diet at extreme levels.

little mouse


When we do this, our body slows down the rate at which it burns calories - to conserve the few we are consuming through food - not to mention that we also start using muscle mass for energy, and all of this causes our metabolism. slow down.

Thus, instead of being without food and risking nutritional deficiencies or slowing down your metabolism, it is much better to choose a healthy and balanced diet and combine the diet with exercise. And speaking of them ...

2 - Do not grow your muscles

Did you know that the more lean muscle you have, the more calories you burn while your body is at rest? So if you want to speed up your metabolism, it is better to start cultivating your muscles!

Atomic Ant


See, dear reader, we are not saying that you should become a mountain of muscle or something! But if you don't want your metabolism to slow down like a slug, then it's interesting to think about doing a little bodybuilding. Aren't you a big fan of this kind of activity? In this case, you can, for example, take a two-minute walk every hour - which helps a lot.

3 - Not consuming enough protein

As we mentioned in the previous item, having a higher lean mass index can help speed up metabolism. However, while going to the gym helps you grow muscle, it is critical to eat a balanced diet to gain muscle - and it is important to get the right amount of protein.

Woman Watching Biceps


Therefore, if you have the intention and gain muscle, it is ideal to consume between 2 and 3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. And it doesn't just have to be steak! Foods like tofu, yogurt, fish, eggs, chickpeas, walnuts, pistachios, chicken etc. These are sources of protein, so include them in the diet.

4 - Sleep during the day

Are you the type who doesn't miss a nice nap during the day or, because working the night shift, has no choice but to reverse the routine and sleep while most people are awake? For studies have shown that individuals who sleep during the day and are more active at night burn fewer calories than those who follow a more conventional routine.

Man napping at a table


This reduction in metabolic rate is probably related to how our biological clocks respond to this time shift. So if you're an incurable night owl or working at night, to avoid gaining a few extra pounds, try cutting 50 to 60 calories from your daily diet.

5 - Beat the card at Happy Hour

If you're one of those who doesn't miss a happy hour, be aware that sipping that beer or beer with your friends too often can be disrupting your metabolism. This is because our bodies process alcohol before the food we may have consumed - and this ends up messing up and reducing the entire metabolic process.

People in a bar


To avoid the problem, you don't have to turn a hermit and stop enjoying your sessions in the bars of life. Just make a few adjustments, such as giving preference to less calorie drinks and not stuffing yourself with portions of french fries, breaded provolone, cassava with bacon and other (fat and) typical bar food.