5 movies based on real stories with very different endings from reality

The cinema can be a truly magical place full of wonderful stories. In the movies, we find fantasy, action, fiction and also a lot of influence on reality. Yeah ... You may know that many stories told on the big screen are really inspired by facts that would happen right here in the real world, but are all adaptations based on real facts true to history?

Of course not. Whether it is script failures, poetic license or any other reason, there are many movies based on real stories that end far from it. So which ones can be used to best illustrate this? ScreenRant has made a selection, and we've brought the most important ones to you. Is any of the movies shown here on your favorites list?

1. Titanic

In "Titanic" (the 1997 version), the focus of the story is the love affair between Jack and Rose - played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. At the end of the movie, the ship's musicians are shown playing their instruments to rock the wreck in one of the most moving sequences in movie history. However, there is something the film did not show that reveals the ship's owner being quite cruel.

The end of the musicians' story was not as poetic as shown, and the worst case is that of Jock Hume, the violinist. After the artist's death, his family was still charged for a number of charges. The White Star Line claimed that his payment would have been interrupted at the wreck, so family members should bear the cost of bringing the body back home.

2. Erin Brockovich

Julia Roberts portrays the real story of a woman struggling to keep a power company from continuing to poison the population of her city - something that happened because of the deposition of chemical waste in the local water. In the film, the court decides that the company must pay $ 333 million to the population, while there is a $ 2 million bonus for Erin Brockovich.

In real life the story was quite different. Despite the victory of the population against the power company, much of the proceeds were used to pay lawyers and legal costs. In addition, Erin does not remain a hero, leaving the city and launching a career as an environmental activist - earning a lot of money from it.

3. Schindler's List

Launched in 1993, "Schindler's List" tells the story of a German businessman named Oskar Schindler, who was known to save thousands of Jews during World War II - thanks to a good relationship with the Nazi Party. In real life, he was a failing businessman, his first success thanks to the Nazis. Accused by the Allies of committing war crime, he fled Germany not to be arrested.

4. 12 years of slavery

Solomon Northup's story is touching. He was a former slave who was eventually betrayed and recaptured, sold into slavery again and exploited for 12 years until he found his freedom again. At the end of the movie, it is said that the circumstances of Solomon Northup's death remain unknown to this day, as there would be no record of his life after that.

In fact, there are several versions that may explain Northup's fate after the end of the movie. There is strong evidence that he joined the abolitionist movement, which was related to his death. One hypothesis states that he became a spy during the United States Civil War; while other currents argue that he would have been betrayed and kidnapped again until murdered as a slave.

5. The Theory of Everything

You know “The Theory of Everything” by the love story narrative between Stephen Hawking and Jane Wilde - remembering that it also serves as a backdrop to the academic life of Hawking, one of the greatest geniuses in recent history. In the work, the scientist and his wife go through a quiet divorce, after Wilde begins to get involved with a friend of the couple.

In real life, it's all very different. Their divorce would have been very difficult and it took many years for them to overcome the separation and become friends. There is even more drama in reality. Although Hawking does not confirm this, there are reports that his second wife, Elaine, would have abused the scientist physically and psychologically.


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Via TecMundo.