The syndrome that can make you look pregnant overnight

If you have no problems with bloating, feel lucky! For some people, a 6 or 7 month pregnant belly may appear overnight

Swelling is a sign that something is not right in your body

That's exactly what happened to 26-year-old Irish fitness blogger Tiffany Brien


The young woman shared on her Instagram the result of a mixture of sleeplessness, stress and hormonal changes.


The images were taken just 12 hours apart and show the result of what may be the “Irritated Bowel Syndrome”

Irritated Bowel Syndrome

Strange as it may seem, this is a very common disease and affects more than 2 million Brazilians - I am also part of this group!

Do you suffer with this too?

It is not known exactly what can cause the problem, but the symptoms are clear: abdominal pain, bloated belly, diarrhea and constipation.

Keep an eye on these symptoms

Unfortunately, there is no cure, but treatment - change in diet and lifestyle - can help. Although unsure about which foods can cause the syndrome, doctors recommend avoiding chocolate, fats, fruits, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, milk, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and others.

Chocolate, I thought you were my friend

If you suffer from this problem, seek medical attention right now.

* Posted on 6/23/2016