Mom expects teacher to be beaten after refusing “vagina cookies”

A sophomore in the United States has been scolded by the mother of one of the children she studies in her classroom. The head of one of the students told the educator that she expected her to get caught every night in the hands of an aggressive husband. The reason? The teacher refused to distribute cookies in the form of vagina to her small students.

Afraid to identify herself, the teacher asked a friend to write the unusual story on Reddit, a large online discussion forum with thousands of topics on a wide range of topics. According to the posting, the teacher asked some parents to help prepare some goodies for students on Fridays if the class had behaved well during the week.

The problem was when the mother in question arrived at school handing out a covered platter full of candy and said, "I think you can use this to teach children about the women's vagina in today's class." The teacher says that removing the aluminum that covered the platter came across cookies simulating vaginas of all kinds.

The educator politely tried to refuse the offer, but the woman began shouting at her, at the top of her lungs, in front of her seven-year-old students. Later the teacher received emails from the rude mother, who in extensive texts criticized the teacher's “conservative stance” and wished her to suffer from domestic abuse forever.

Via In Summary