Betrayed woman sets her boyfriend's cock on fire while he slept [video]

The video below was recently released by a woman who decided to take revenge on her boyfriend in a very radical way, and that's why we're sharing him with you, so please don't try to do the same at home.

According to the Daily Mail, the woman had been betrayed by her lover, who reportedly had sex with a girl's co-worker. Furiously, she decided to do a lot of damage to the boy's "play area" and, of course, made a point of filming everything. While the guy slept, she threw acetone over his cock and then set fire to the said whose. Here's a different way of waking someone up, huh. Watch:

The whole scene only lasts a few seconds, long enough to cause a lot of pain and damage. Furious, the woman shouts a few things in the background of the recording and, from one curse to another, fires: "You cheated on me with my co-worker, didn't you think I would find out?" As the man falls out of bed, she tells him to pick up his things and get out. Some netizens are saying the video is fake, but this has not yet been proven. What do you think?