Fish wins life jacket

Here's something that can move even the most sarcastic types. After developing a common ailment in aquarium fish, little Einstein beat his owner, Leighton Naylor, 32, a very unique kind of life jacket.

Over the past two years, Einstein has become progressively unable to move according to the thrust into the water. This meant that the little animal could no longer rise to the surface - and eventually turned upside down.

"He was always a fighter, so when I found him in the background one day unable to surface, it was a very sad sight, " Leighton told the Daily Mail. "It broke my heart to see him there, helpless."

Naylor then considered several possibilities, which included, for example, a cork. “But that sounded very painful.” In the end, the tender guy came to the waistcoat that appears in the video above - which not only helps the goldfish to stand “up” (ie without turning over) but also allows you some moves. The aid developed by the boy also includes a duct through which Einstein can feed.