Why do we have wax in our ears?

You already know that everyone has ear wax, right? And while sticky and yellowish substance is not our best business card, the truth is that it has an essential role for our health.

Wax basically serves to protect our ears. How does she do it? Lubricating the inner and outer ear to prevent foreign bodies such as dust, sand and small debris from entering the ear cavities would cause unpleasant problems. By the way, be clear: without earwax, even brain health would be at risk!

And how to clean?

As soon as the wax finishes its role, it goes out of the ear until it can be removed during hygiene. About this hygiene thing, by the way, it is worth remembering that the use of cotton swabs should be done with caution and only on the outside of the ear. If you put the cotton swab into your ear, you push more wax out than remove it and you still risk piercing the eardrum.

Wax buildup on the inside of the ear can cause pain, hearing loss and a feeling that the ear is plugged. In such cases, it is ideal to seek medical help to remove any excess material. The doctor may perform a wash or recommend the use of medicines that soften the wax that is clogging your ear.

One more curiosity: Because it also interferes with our sense of balance, ear problems, including excessive earwax, can cause people, especially older people, to experience vertigo. Redoubled caution then!


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