Every year the same thing: what to do with burnt out Christmas lamps?

Christmas has arrived. And with him, that dreaded time to unwind that bundle of lamps to adorn the house as well. How many times didn't you pick up your old flashers and always see a burnt out light bulb? Before you decide to discard them once and for all, try some tricks that may help.

Christmas 1

First, identify the cause

It may be that one of the light bulbs just broke or burned. It is always good to remember that usually when a lamp goes out, some others follow the rhythm. This is because they are all interconnected via a series circuit - that is, if one goes out, the flow of electricity is interrupted so that the following lamps do not receive the necessary energy and do the same, even if they are still “good”. . In this case, the bad lamp is probably the first one - so it's the one that should be replaced.

Now, if the lamps are in parallel circuit, they work independently - so it's easier to identify which one is having problems.

I tried everything but it didn't happen

Have your beloved little lamps, who were present on various Christmas, reached the end of their life? Well, in that case, disposal may be a possibility. But don't throw it in the trash: you can leave it in a recycling center, which will separate the parts properly.


Depending on the amount of lights burned, another thing you can try to do is also a bottle ornament. As the lights get closer together in this type of ornament, it's okay to have one or the other burned out. That way you find another utility for the flasher.

Every year the same thing: what to do with burnt out Christmas lamps? via TecMundo