Do you know what phone stacking is?

Source: Dallas Observer

Are you one of those people who can't drop their cell phone or smartphone until mealtimes or in a bar table conversation? Thinking about this addiction that affects much of the world's population today, a little game was invented to reduce the use of gadgets at these times and has become fashionable in the United States.

Called phone stacking, the game consists of you and your friends stacking their cell phones on the table and holding on until the end of the meal (or celebration) without checking the devices. Anyone who can't stand and pick up his cell phone loses the competition and has to pay the bill to everyone.

And if all participants resist the temptation, the bill is split normally. Fair, isn't it? How about playing with your friends over the next lunch or at a bar table? I want to see which technology junkie can resist a peek at Facebook or Twitter, or rest easy at the first ringtone or sms!