Learn the story of the oldest active Santa Claus in Brazil

Last year a cousin came with a mission for me: to be Santa Claus at her house. I had never imagined myself playing something like this - especially for young children who need this Good Old Man magic bringing joy at the end of the year. Of course I accepted, but several times I thought it would not work.

First because I am shy. Public speaking bothers me, no matter how many people I know. And second: I needed to interpret! But if there is one thing I have learned in over 30 years of existence, it is necessary to believe in the magic of Christmas. And it worked! I had fun with the kids, gave them presents, gave lots of advice - how to eat more beans and respect their parents, for example - and loved the experience.

But I really have another Santa Claus that I had the pleasure of chatting with some time ago. Claudio Roldan de Mesquita is 77 years old, lives in Teresópolis (RJ) and embodies the Good Old Man since 1969! It's been 46 years dedicated to the happiness of children - many have even grown up and today bring their children and grandchildren to meet the Santa who enchanted them several decades ago.

Claudio Mesquita has a life story dedicated to the Christmas character

The beginning of magic

It all started over seventy years ago: Claudio was still a little boy who lived in Porto Alegre (RS) when he met a Santa Claus and asked for a bicycle. And what did he hear? "Go there in the wardrobe you find." Mere disappointment ... Claudio was fooled by the first "Good Old Man" he ever encountered. The following year, he discovered that the character did not exist and that his uncle had always been Santa Claus.

Years later, in 1969, Claudio was invited to be on the "here" side of magic: he was called in by two friends to put on the good old red clothes and white beard and entertain the children of a kindergarten. Claudio has left the bad experience with the character in the past and has done everything Santa should do: cheer up, listen and educate the little ones. Always with the delicacy they need, of course.

Almost half a century later, he continues to invest in characterization. The beard, for example, is imported. It is so fixed on the chin that there is no way to pull it out. He challenges unbelieving infants to pull on his beard: "If she leaves, I'm not Santa Claus." And what does he hear most after that? “Mommy! This is the real Santa! ”

Oldest Santa Claus in Brazil has been delighting children for 46 years

Various joys and a sadness

For the friends who made him become the oldest active Santa Claus in Brazil, according to Raking Brasil, Claudio played the character until 2007. He has also been delighting children who visit Shopping Teresópolis for over 20 years at the end. of year and does not charge anything for the function: his profit comes from the photos that people take with him.

What do children ask for the most in recent years? Smartphones and tablets, of course! Clothing, shoes and toys are also among the preferences of your audience. What Claudio really achieves is to distribute basic food baskets to people in need, cheering up, at least a little, the supper of families who suffer all year round from food shortages.

But not everything is perfect. Claudio recalls a request that thrilled him a few years ago. A 20-year-old girl stared at him for two hours without the courage to approach. Claudio called her and asked, "My daughter, why are you looking at me so much?" She replied that she wanted to take a picture with him.

The request was accepted, of course. The girl was in a long white dress, she sat on the floor and arranged her clothes well. The setting was perfect, but that was when she started to cry. "Why are you crying, my daughter?" Asked the Good Old Man. “Can I ask a favor? Do you cure my mother's cancer? ”Claudio was appalled and said he would pray for her. He says he has never heard from this girl again and would like to know what end she took.

Joy for all generations

Dream and advice

Claudio is already a retired gentleman, having been Nikon's first employee in Brazil in 1963. His wife has also retired - she was a principal in a high school. Now both have a homemade bread stall at a fair in Teresópolis. Every Sunday you can find the delicacies that he prepares with the same affection that embodies the most beloved character at the end of the world.

Recognition also comes through gifts. “What I have in my shirt and pair of socks is not in the comic book, ” he jokes. Although he is the one who delights people, Claudio says he has no words to thank the affection he receives from the population. Your dream is to keep playing Santa forever. “Even if I last 200 years, I'll always be Santa, ” he says.

He also hopes someday to be able to adapt his car to look like a real sleigh - including reindeer. Dreaming is allowed and he knows it very well. To "novice Santa" like me, Claudio gives the main tip: "Always treat children well, the rest is a consequence." Leave it to me! I will follow this advice to the letter and hope one day to have a story as beautiful as his to tell.

"Always treat children well!"


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