Stick Challenge: Make 5 squares turn 3 with just 3 moves

How about a math challenge you can use to play with your co-workers over lunch at home or at that Sunday meeting? You will only need 12 toothpicks or matches to create an image like this:

You have 5 squares (4 smaller within 1 larger) and you need to turn them into 3 squares by moving just 3 sticks. Some additional rules:

  • All 3 remaining squares need to be perfect.
  • You can't break a toothpick
  • All 12 toothpicks must be part of some square at the end.
  • You need exactly 3 moves - no more, no less
  • The final 3 squares must be the same size.
  • Each toothpick should be part of just one square.

If you're finding it too hard, roll the bar to find out the answer!








Hey! Not worth the paste so fast! Try a little more, go!






Ok ... since it's very difficult, just look at the first move:

Made it easy? The second move is similar:

Now it's easy: just finish the last move and voilĂ  :

Did you find it too complicated?

* Posted on 7/7/2016