In preparations for the end of the world, man spends $ 350,000

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A resident of Melbourne, Australia, has decided to invest much of his money in preparations for the end of the world - which he says should even happen in late 2012. Robert Bast, 46, is married, father of three children and is proud to say that he is prepared for the apocalypse.

To raise the money, Bast mortgaged his home and bought several security items, setting up a real bunker in his residence. He built a fortress on a high ground, moved his car there, and stocked up on food and supplies.

In addition to working with online marketing, Robert manages the Survive 2012 community. For those who think December 21st is the limit for the end of the world, Bast warns that it is not quite so and that the planet could end at any moment.

"Some disaster will happen, it could be the end of the sun, an influenza pandemic that will kill millions or an asteroid colliding with Earth." If you would like to know more details about Robert's preparations for the end of our existence, it is worth visiting his personal blog at this link.