Chinese company performs first cat cloning

Located in Beijing, Sinogene is considered by the Chinese press to be the first company in the country to clone a cat. The company was responsible for copying the young Huang Yu's pet genes.

After the death of his feline friend, the 22-year-old spent $ 35, 000 to have a clone of the animal. Seven months later, he met Ajo's new "version", which has over 90% of the physical characteristics of the original pet.

Experienced in the animal cloning business, this was the first time the Chinese company was able to generate a cat clone - since its inception in 2017, the company has cloned 40 dogs. With this done, the issue can turn into something profitable. Data from China's Goumingwang website show that the country has about 55 million domestic dogs and 44 million pet cats, which contributes to the pet-oriented market moving $ 28 billion a year.

On the left, a photo of the original Ajo; on the right is an image of your clone. (Source: New York Times / Reproduction)

Cloning as a solution to another problem

Sinogene's cloning of the cat could be an important step in helping panda's critical situation in China. Despite being off the list of endangered animals, the species is still quite vulnerable due to recent climate change.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences is conducting studies with the intention of cloning a panda and using a cat as a carrier mother. Both species have similar sizes when young and gestational period that lasts between 2 and 3 months.

Although this information may cause some strangeness, most Chinese do not see problems in using animals for medical studies and even testing with cosmetics. As a reflection of this, the country has no laws against animal cruelty.

Chinese company performs first cat cloning via TecMundo