Chinese bug will give you nightmares for weeks

A terrifying insect has been found in the Chinese province of Sichuan. The specimen was presented by the China Insect Museum and is the largest version of a dobsonfly to be reported. This category includes insects of the order Megaloptera, which are usually “anabolic” versions of insects to cute ones.

The creature has a wingspan of 8.27 inches (about 21 centimeters). With its wings fully extended, this giant dobsonfly can completely cover an adult human face.

These giant insects have never been seen in Sichuan before. They have a great sense of “hygiene” and reproduce only where there is clean water, ignoring places with minimal contamination. They are usually found in Vietnam, parts of India and elsewhere in China.

Unfortunately for residents of these regions, there are reports and observations that females of this species may bite to the point of drawing blood. Although males have teeth up to an inch long, they are clumsy and do not cause damage most of the time.

This insect also has poison that is released during the bite, usually used as a self-defense mechanism. The poison can cause severe swelling, kidney failure and death. When one discovers such a thing, the only thing that comes to mind is this: