Logo of the 10th Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial is simply sensational

Have you noticed how some logos bring images or colors that at first glance seem to have no meaning? Well, just looking at the picture chosen to represent the latest edition of the Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial, we get the impression that the drawing is just a colorful blur. Beautiful, that's no doubt, but misshapen, isn't it?

However, simply place a circular object - whose surface acts as a mirror - at the exact angle near the logo to find that there is a hidden image in the blur. The design was developed by the folks at Sao Paulo's architecture and design office ps2, and what looks like a colorful half moon, as you can see from the demonstration that illustrator and designer Johnny Brito posted on Instagram, turns into a map of Brazil. .

Image Source: Reproduction / Johnny Brito

The next edition of the Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial should only take place next year. So we'll have to wait until then to see what designers will invent to represent the event. And you, reader, did not find the logo of the 10th edition sensational?